Beowulf pretended to sleep in the hall, and when Grendel came, he sprang into action. Weapons were of no use to him so it was hand-to-hand combat. Without the help of his men, Beowulf successfully ripped off Grendel’s arm. Grendel ran home to his mother and to die. As a trophy, he hung Grendel’s talon from the rafters of the mead hall.  

 Beowulf vs. Grendel



After swimming to the deep underwater lair, Beowulf faces Grendel’s mom with weapons. Or at least tries to; the weapons are unable to penetrate the monster’s skin. Just when he thinks that his fate is lost, Beowulf finds a magic sword. Using all of his strength, he swings the mighty blade and cuts dear ol’ mother’s head clean off. He finds Grendel dead in the corner. Still full of rage, he cuts off his head too. The blade melts from his acid blood. The lake filled with blood from the monsters, and once again, Beowulf triumphed.  

 Beowulf vs. Grendel's Mother

Because some one had stolen some of his treasure, a dragon started to attack Beowulf’s kingdom 50 years after the battles with Grendel and his mother. The battle between Beowulf and the dragon was fatal for both sides. Beowulf’s weapons and men again were no use for him. He tried to stab the dragon but it wasn’t a deep enough hit. Then, when all the other men left him in his hour of need, young Wiglaf stepped up to the plate. He defeated the dragon and filled out the last of his dying lord’s wishes. He wanted to be surrounded by the newly won jewels and treasures, and for Wiglaf to be his heir. Wiglaf gladly took his orders, and became the new King of the Geats.

 Beowulf vs. Dragon
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